Is Intermittent Fasting A Good Way To Lose Weight?
How To Lose Weight – With Intermittent Fasting
If you are like the rest of us, how many times have you gone on a diet and found out that you only put the weight back on that you previously worked hard to take off, and to top it off you gained even more weight than before you went on the diet?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired, going from one type of diet to another, well if that’s you, then maybe how to lose weight with intermittent fasting may be for you?
Some Background To Intermittent Fasting
Over the years there have been many types of diets and latest trends and fads, people are searching for the right way to not only lose their unwanted fat but keep it off, is there a way that this can be done?
Let’s have a look at intermittent fasting and how you can lose fat?
Intermittent fasting is a tool it’s not a diet or a quick fix solution, you’re not following a meal plan or even cutting your calories, instead, it’s a pattern of changing when you eat and when you don’t eat.
When I first heard about this I was very skeptical, to say the least, I thought here we go again another fad another diet, how can I even think of doing this as I train and work out hard at the gym.
More thoughts ran through my mind like I will starve the body of the vital nutrients that it needs.
I also thought that you need to keep eating every couple of hours otherwise you will not have enough protein which in turn you lose valuable muscle tissue, not to mention slowing down your metabolism as a result of not keeping that furnace burning from continues eating throughout the day.
Then came the big one HOW can you skip the most important meal of the day being breakfast, I mean my whole life I heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
So the more I looked into intermittent fasting and saw all the great results people were getting by losing weight, not to mention all the health benefits that came along with it such as,
Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
- Shedding unwanted body fat
- Regulates blood sugar levels
- keeps your heart healthy
- Reduces inflammation
- Reduces Insulin resistance
- Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
- Reduce oxidation stress
- Good for your brain
- Fresh healthy glow to your skin
I also come to realize that it wasn’t just a brand new fad that’s just popped up overnight, but it’s been around since civilization began and it’s even in the Bible, and most religions practice it, so I thought that I would look into it more.
So, What Is Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting simply means that you purposely abstain from eating food for a certain amount of time throughout the day, then you consume your calories within a specific window of the day.
Again Intermittent fasting is simply a tool it’s not a diet or a quick fix solution, you’re not following a strict meal plan or even cutting your calories, instead it’s a pattern of changing when you eat and don’t eat.
So why would anyone want to do this,
Intermittent fasting is one of the most important factors needed as it triggers the 2 main hormones in the body that controls weight and fat loss.
- Growth Hormone HGH increases dramatically up to 5 fold when you fast, plus its anti-aging and the most powerful fat burning hormone out of the six in the body plus it also protects muscle and aids in building lean muscle mass which also helps in losing fat.
- Insulin is another powerful hormone that aids in fat loss, in fact when insulin is present it will stop and block growth hormone. When you see people with the spare tire look around the belly area, in most cases it’s because they are insulin resistance and the large belly could be a result of too much insulin present.
A Different Way To Eat
Again intermittent fasting is simply a pattern of changing when you eat and don’t eat.
- 5-6 meals a day scenario, every time you eat a meal your pancreas produces insulin even healthy foods cause insulin, don’t get me wrong insulin is a good thing but we have been told to graze all day and keep the fire burning so to speak, but the problem is our bodies are not designed to eat this way.
In fact, this type of eating has only occurred in our lifetime our great ancestors never ate this way, they would either feast or fast not graze all day and consume the amazing amounts of sugar we consume today.
- 3 meals a day instead of eating 5-6 small meals a day, with intermittent fasting eating 3 meals a day will firstly cause you not to snack and eat in between meals but at the set times allocated and you do not have to reduce calories and starve your self.
- 16:8 method is where you fast for 16 hours straight, the best time I find is after dinner and while you sleep, then you eat your allocated calories within an 8 hour window.
So instead of eating the minute you wake up and have that sugary cereal, you wait until you are hungry and have not eaten since the night before.
So depending on when you ate dinner last night for example 8 pm was your last meal than your first meal will be at 12 pm noon the next day.
So again instead of eating the moment you wake up and break the fast, you delay your first meal and break your fast at 12 pm.
As you get more experienced with this you can even try to eat when you experience real hunger cramps some of us may have forgotten what that feels like as we are always eating throughout the day
Final Thought
So Intermittent Fasting is simply a tool not a diet or a quick fix solution, Intermittent fasting has great health benefits for your spirit soul and body.
For those who are serious about weight management, and building muscle, Intermittent Fasting is one of the most important factors needed as it triggers the 2 main hormones in the body that controls weight to lose fat.
Intermittent Fasting increases Growth Hormone HGH which protects muscle and aids in building lean muscle mass which also helps in losing fat.
Insulin is another powerful hormone that aids in fat loss when insulin is present it will stop and block growth hormone, especially around the belly.
Intermittent Fasting is a pattern of changing when you eat and don’t eat, from 5-6 meals to 3 meals a day, & 16:8 method instead of eating the minute you wake up.
The best thing about intermittent fasting is that it’s FREE, and all you need to do is give it a shot unless your terminally ill or underweight or have a serious medical condition or are pregnant and breastfeeding and nursing an infant. Want to find out more about Intermittent Fasting. Click Here